Monday, November 23, 2009

Mel Francis: The 10 things I try not to take for granted

We celebrate Thanksgiving here in America this week. All over Facebook and the blogosphere people are posting the things they're thankful for like family, job, friends, kids, spouse, etc. And while I agree that those are important things to be thankful for, I also think they can go without saying. Because seriously, if we have a job (whether we like it or not) we're thankful for it in this economy. Even if our families are totally tool sheds, there is at least one person in our family that we're thankful for. And would we even have friends if we didn't appreciate them? Exactly.

So here's my list of 10 things that I take for granted but am truly thankful I have in my life:
  1. Music: a day without music is a day not lived
  2. My computer (not just for being able to stay in daily contact with my friends in other states, but for also providing me a creative outlet on a daily basis)
  3. My legs so I can walk: I walk about 20-25 miles a week. It started out as exercise and has turned into a necessity
  4. Rivers, lakes, oceans, etc: Water is a calming force for me which is one reason I walk along the banks of the Arkansas River so often.
  5. My pets--especially my sweet faced pug Ruby: yes I just picked a favorite. Get over it.
  6. The health of my family: this one isn't so weird, but it is something I know I've always taken for granted in the past.
  7. The fact that we FINALLY sold our house in Oxford after almost 2 years on the market.
  8. My sense of humor: if you don't find me funny, that's okay. I'm only trying to entertain myself anyway.
  9. Four-leaf clovers: I find them and they make me smile.
  10. The maid: Oh wait...that is the one thing I'm thankful for in the future...if you looked in my kitchen right now, you'd definitely know Alice ran off with Sam.
So what are some of the things you take for granted but would really miss if they were taken away?


  1. 1. Air
    2. I'm always thankful having T.P. and Paper towels when I need them very sad when I don't.

    3. Thankful when I can feel happy and get a good laugh too.

    4. Then all those important basics. Family, love etc.

  2. 1. My husband. He's a constant source of amusement but also stability and support.
    2. My friends. Good friends are so important!
    3. My kittens! They make me laugh, love me unconditionally and never care if the house is messy.

  3. GREAT post.

    I'm thankful for pants. Fingernails. Teeth. Eyelashes. Chicken nuggets. The sense of smell. Comfy robes. Paperclips. Dude, I can go on and on. LOL

  4. Are you trying to tell me that Alice broke up with Sam the butcher? You just shifted my paradigm!

  5. Family, friends, health... without those we don't have anything. Thanks for a great post, Mel!

  6. Ahmed, Max, my friends, NISTA POWER!!

    I'll save some for my post next week, methinks.

  7. I am so blessed, I dunno where to start.
