Monday, December 07, 2009

inquring minds want to know...

WHY are the Zhu Zhu pet hamsters THE MUST HAVE GIFT of the season? Can someone please explain their appeal to me? If not, can you explain their purpose?

Sometimes I'm glad I have teens...because I GET why they want video games, computers, cell phones, music and gift cards. I don't get fake hamsters.


  1. HAHAHA i want to know the SAME thing...

  2. Amanda Brice9:56 AM

    I had no idea they were THE gift of the season until CNN was reporting about the high antimony levels. I don't get the appeal either.

  3. Jennifer Russell11:07 AM

    I had wondered about them myself. Personally, I don't get it. I guess we can attribute it to very good marketing.

  4. Seems to me it's obvious why every cat would want one... ;-)

  5. There are reports on the news that these are made with known carcinogenic materials. Local news, then CNN.


  6. Chelsea B.9:09 PM

    LOL I don't get it either.

  7. I remember the Cabbage Patch Kids in the 80s. OMG. Why why why?

  8. I didn't know about these until one of my co-workers was talking about them because her daughter wants one. They were saying they're the new Beanie Babies. I don't get it at all.
