Monday, May 25, 2009

have you been bitten?

Okay, this is totally a shameless self-promotion day. I would apologize but hey, if I don't promote myself, who will? Right?

First off, if you're on Facebook, please join me on my Author Page and join my book group: Have You Been Bitten?

In other SSP news, I'm guest blogging over at the fabulous Lucienne Diver's place...dueling vampires! That's right, my girl from BITE ME!, AJ Ashe and the star of Lucienne's YA novel, VAMPED, Gina Covello are answering questions head-to-head. Stop by and check it out.

And last but not least, my new website will be launching today. It's almost ready...but not quite. Please stop by and bookmark for the latest and greatest on BITE ME! and its sequel LOVE SUCKS! we'll be announcing a super awesome contest there very soon!

Okay. I think I'm all pimped out. I hope y'all had a great weekend!


  1. YAY--I joined your group and became a fan of you (not that I wasn't already). :D

  2. OMG Mel I absolutely ADORE that site!!!

  3. Amanda Brice5:15 PM

    LOL...dueling vampires!
