Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The "I'm Better Than You" post

In honor of the craziness that hits the interwebz like a wildfire every full moon, a friend of mine on my mommy board created a tongue-in-cheek thread called the "I'm Better Than You" thread.

Shall we play and feel sanctimonious in doing so?

I'll start.

I'm better than you because my preemie is meeting all her milestones with her chronological age rather than her adjusted age...and meeting them early in some cases!

I'm better than you because I have long eyelashes that everyone thinks are the result of mascara yet I haven't worn eye makeup since dance competitions more than 10 years ago...and I passed them along to my daughter.

I'm better than you because I've partied with royalty.

I'm better than you because I'm in the plotting stages of a new book, so the possibilities are endless.

Anyone else?

(Disclaimer: Full credit is given to Daniel Tosh for the original idea. Yes, Tiffany stole it from him. And then I stole it from her.)


  1. Oh wow, I suck at these games, LOL. But I'll give it a whirl.

    I'm better than you because I have the foxiest shoe collection this side of foxytown.

    I'm better than you because I have thuper-thexy tattooes, and I rock them hard.

    I'm better than you because I get to live with ME all the time. haha

  2. I'm better than you because my books are being simultaneously released in the US, the UK and Australia.

    I'm better than you because my husband bought me a little blue sports car for my birthday.

    I'm better than you because I make 40 look hawt.

    I'm better than you because I dated a rock star, but had the smarts not to marry him.

  3. I'm better than you because nobody believes I look old enough to have two teenage kids, one who is almost 18 even.

  4. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Nice! Keep 'em coming!

  5. I'm better than you because I still get carded and I'm almost double the legal drinking age in the US.

    I'm better than you because I just am. And there's no argument against that.

  6. I'm better than you because I've never eaten a lean cuisine in my life and still got the hot guy.

  7. I'm better than you because I have the cutest dog in the World, who even does tricks!

    I'm better than you because my three teens will be in college in TWO YEARS!

    I'm better than you because I got laid off and qualified for a government job program and get to go to grad school for 30 credits for FREE!

    I'm better than you because, even though I live in a redneck city in a redneck state, my neck is still nice and pink!

  8. This is too fun not to participate!

    I'm better than you cause I look freakin' awesome in my new skinny jeans!

    I'm better than you cause I went to Disney World this past April and I'm going again in December and then again in March!

    I'm better than you cause I weigh less than I did before I had both babies- only a few pounds heavier than I was in high school 15 years ago.

    That felt really nice! Sometimes it's hard to be so modest all the time!!!

  9. How sad is it that my initial reaction was "Yep, you're better than me." LOL

    Let's see... I'm better than you because I still have the hots for my husband.

    I'm better than you because a random acquaintance asked me if I lost weight this morning, and I could honestly say I had.

    I'm better than you because my daughter got a 30 on her ACT - and I homeschool, so that's my win, too.

    It does feel nice to say good things about myself for a change. I need to do it more often. Thanks. =o)
